Five Step-By-Step Instructions on How to Hide Text Messages on iPhone from One Person

Hide text messages on an iPhone means keeping certain conversations private. It involves using the phone’s settings or apps to ensure that messages from a specific person don’t appear on your screen. This can help maintain privacy without deleting the conversation.

Sometimes, we need to hide messages from just one person without them knowing. These steps can make sure your conversations stay unseen by others.

The guide includes five simple steps to hide text messages from one person on your iPhone. You’ll learn how to displace settings, use built-in features, and even explore apps that can help. Each step is easy to follow and ensures your privacy is protected with hidden text.

Why You Might Want to Hide Text Messages from a Specific Person

In our interconnected world, there are countless reasons why you might want to keep certain messages under lock and key. Maybe you’re planning a surprise party for your best friend and don’t want them accidentally seeing a text from your co-conspirators

Or perhaps you’re dealing with a sensitive work matter that requires discretion. Whatever your reason, the need for message confidentiality is totally valid. Think about it your phone is like a digital diary, holding all sorts of personal and professional secrets. 

In the wrong hands (or prying eyes), those messages could cause unnecessary drama or even compromise important information. That’s why knowing how to hide alerts and manage your message visibility is an essential skill in today’s technology era.

Guide on How to Hide Text Messages on iPhone from One Person:

Step 1: Create a New Contact for the Person

create a new contact for the person

First things first, let’s set up a new contact for the person whose messages you want to hide. This might seem counterintuitive, but trust me, it’s the foundation for all the sneaky stuff we’re about to do. 

Open your Contacts app and tap the plus sign to add a new contact. You can use their real name or a code name – whatever floats your boat.

Step 2: Block this Person’s Number

Now that you’ve got your special contact set up, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Head over to your iPhone settings and find the Phone option. 

From there, tap on Blocked Contacts and add your newly created contact to this list. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you’ll never hear from them again. It just gives you more control over when and how you see their messages.

Step 3: Turn off message previews on the lock screen

Let’s face it, those lock screen messages can be a real privacy nightmare. One glance at your phone and boom – your secrets are out. But fear not, we can fix that. Navigate to your notification preferences in the Settings app. 

Find the Messages section and toggle off the “Show Previews” option. Now, even if a message from your secret contact slips through, no one will be able to read it without unlocking your phone.

Step 4: Hide Alerts for Their Messages

Time to get even stealthier. Open up your Messages app and find the conversation thread with your special contact. Swipe left on it and tap on “Hide Alerts“. 

This neat little trick ensures that you won’t get any notifications when they message you. No buzzing, no banner alerts – nothing to give away that you’ve received a message from them.

Step 5: Use an Alternate App to remove messages

For the ultimate in message security, consider using a third-party app from the App Store. There are tons of secure communication apps out there that offer features like self-destructing messages, encrypted chats, and even secret vaults for storing sensitive conversations. 

Do your research and find one that suits your needs – just be sure to read the reviews and check the app permissions before downloading.

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The Pros and Cons of Using a Third-Party App for Message Hiding

Robust encryptionTrusting third-party with sensitive information
Advanced privacy featuresPotential security risks if app isn’t reputable
Decoy account optionsLearning curve for new software
Facial recognition unlockingNeed to convince others to use the same app
Exceeds native iPhone messaging capabilities

Tips on How to Maintain Privacy and Security during Hidden Messages

tips on how to maintain privacy

Data security isn’t just about hiding messages – it’s an ongoing process. Make sure you’re always running the latest iOS version on your Apple device to benefit from the newest security features

Set up a strong passcode or use Face ID to keep nosy parkers out of your phone altogether. Be cautious about which apps you grant permissions to. Just because an app asks for access to your contacts or messages doesn’t mean it needs it. 

Regularly review your app permissions and revoke any that seem unnecessary. And don’t forget to back up your important conversations – you never know when you might need to refer back to them.


In the end, hiding text messages on your iPhone is a powerful tool for protecting your privacy. We’ve explored five simple steps that can help you keep your conversations under wraps. Remember, these techniques are meant to safeguard your personal information, not to deceive others.

While these methods can be incredibly useful, it’s important to use them responsibly. Always prioritize open communication when possible. By mastering these iPhone features, you’re taking control of your digital life and ensuring that your private messages stay private.


Is it legal to hide text messages on my iPhone? 

It’s perfectly legal to manage your own messages and privacy settings on your personal device.

Can the other person tell if I’ve hidden their messages? 

They won’t receive any notification that you’ve hidden their messages or alerts.

What if I need to see the hidden messages later? 

You can always unblock the contact or turn alerts back on to view the messages.

Are there any foolproof methods to hide messages? 

While these methods are very effective, no system is 100% foolproof. Always be cautious with sensitive information.

How do I unhide messages if I change my mind? 

Simply reverse the steps we’ve covered – unblock the contact, turn on alerts, and adjust your notification settings as desired.

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